Monday, October 8, 2007

Camping at the Beach

Since we were going to be up north anyway, we decided to take a late season camping trip to the beach. Other than being a bit chilly at night, we were rewarded with fantastic weather at Warren Dunes State Park in Michigan.

Nicholas loved bundling up and watching the fire. Here he gives his casual wave of cuteness for the camera :)

The next day led to hours on the beach. After a Mother/Son nap on the beach, things got active. Nicholas decided to take off and explore the sand. I'm not sure I can come up with something cuter than this picture to say, so it stands alone....

Monday, October 1, 2007

Back to Farming

Ok, I know it is a little early for pumpkins, but we couldn't resist this shot. I think Nicholas is growing faster than the pumpkin though these days...

McCormick's Creek

We can admit it, life has been quite hectic for the little man lately. He has been shuffled from place to place, exploring as he goes. It's time for a little catch up for the rest of the world.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and Nicholas decided we needed to take a road trip. About an hour down the road, we drove into McCormick's Creek State Park. After hauling a tushy down a whole bunch of stairs, we made it to the creek and waterfall. Here we see Nicholas and his total lack of fear standing in the creek and observing the world around.