Monday, December 22, 2008

Hitchin' a Ride

It was a big boy day... A solo ride around the Celebration Crossing train.

Old LS Ayres Train

nick at old ls acres train, originally uploaded by imstriker4.

Nicholas checks out the old LS Ayres train at the Indiana State Museum.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Nicholas and the Luminary

100_3972, originally uploaded by imstriker4.

Nicholas made a visit to the Indianapolis Museum of Art for their Winter Solstice celebration. Luminaries, buses, lights, fire, reindeer, cocoa, and ice. What more could he ask for? He had a ton of fun.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Garfield park trains, originally uploaded by imstriker4.

Hey, did you see? There are trains here at Garfield Park Conservatory.

Candy Canes and Chop Sticks

IMG00020-20081213-1217.jpg, originally uploaded by imstriker4.

After a busy scurry to collect candy canes at the hunt in Westfield, the kids were ready to eat (sort of). Nicholas and Kheira tried out the chop stick trainers at the Mongolian BBQ.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Gingerbread House

Nick house, originally uploaded by imstriker4.

Nicholas did some amazing work on this architectural masterpiece while visiting the Y on Gingerbread House Family Night. The only problem was that a lot of construction supplies seem to have been eaten.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Nicholas made it to Dallas....

After a brief nap, we were off again :)

Holloween Update

The little turkey did quite well on Halloween. He ended up with more candy then he needs, at least we think so...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Tractor Lives

Ok, we know he is spoiled. But, come on, it's too cute....

Now I Have My Own...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The October Children's Museum Visit

Nicholas goes for one of his tours of the Indianapolis Children's Museum :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nicholas Plays Tennis

He thought this was great, so I thought I'd share :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shelby County Farm Festival

We left the big city for a day to check out the farms of Shelby County and along the way discovered where Shelby County was :). Nicholas has a great time....

Imagine that Nicholas found a big tractor...

Went for a stroll as a child of the corn....

And managed to find the animal the little "turkey" is currently named after.

Nicholas Versus Lego Man

Nicholas had to check out the new Lego man standing guard outside the Children's Museum....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another Tractor?

After a very busy day of inspection and testing by Nicholas, it was decided that this little Wheel Horse should follow us home....

Mmm... Corn

Well we were up in the big city of Portland, IN Nicholas found his favorite thing.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Corydon Camping

It was a beautiful weekend here in Indiana. We loaded up the camper and headed down to O'Bannon Woods State Park. Nicholas checked out the first state capitol in Corydon, watched boats on the Ohio, and explored a little of Wyandotte Caves. Please do enjoy this brief slideshow (make sure you hit play, you know who you are)...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

State Fair Balloon Glow

It was a late night for a little boy with an 8pm bedtime, but it was worth it...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ring My Bell

Nicholas went exploring at Touch a Truck Day in Carmel.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Concert Time!

Lounging listening to Dave and Rae (Daddy's Favorite) at the Fishers Outdoor Concert Series.

Nicholas Explores the Beginning of His New Playset :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Nicholas gets a haircut

Although he refused to look at the camera, Nicholas readies for his haircut...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mug 'N Bun

Nicholas devours his first Mug 'N Bun Root Beer.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cow Appreciation Day :)

Nicholas visited Chick-fil-a in full attire to get his free breakfast! Mmm, free breakfast.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Skipping Stone

Nicholas made the trek to South Haven for some beautiful weather and camping.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sharing the Cheese

Please do enjoy this brief slideshow...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nicholas and the Canoe

Nick went on his first canoe ride today. Or, at least, 1.5 of a round trip canoe ride. The weather turned rough, so he cut it short. We all had a great time though looking at the bluffs of the shoreline.

Another Day in the Dairyland...

While the day started with rain, it cleared up to a beautiful, busy day. We explored limestone bluffs across the northern tip, visited a huge orchard (with a playground), climbed two scary 75ft overlook towers looking down 250ft, snuck on a Coast Guard station to see another lighthouse, had ice cream at a 100 year old soda fountain, ate a great dinner, and visited some more playgrounds. Tomorrow should be beautiful and it is about bedtime for us (Nicholas crashed a while ago.)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Day

Well it's been another full day in Wisconsin. Some more lighthouses, a whole lot of beach time, some rock caves, and a fish boil. Nicholas did take a moment out of his busy day to pose for this photo at Eagle Bluff Lighthouse. Goodnight :)

Fish Boil!!!

Yes, that's right... Somewhere in the middle of all that flame is our fresh whitefish. It's a tradition up here to cook it like this, and I have to say it is really good! A little diesel at the end makes it boil over in a hurry and takes all the fish oil off the top.

Nicholas splashes his way through Cave Point County Park

Just Another Lighthouse :)

After a long walk on the Manitowac breakwater pier, Nicholas and Mom checkout the lighthouse.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Eating Chicken at the Track

A little rain won't keep this Hoosier from Carb Day :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Give us the Krispies....

... and no one gets hurt. Here we see a rare glimpse at the house protection requirement during any playdate. Nicholas had a blast playing with Quenten and Katie. However, in order for the house to stay in order unlimited Krispies were required.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Egg Hunts

Nicholas made the run of some local hunts. He chased down the eggs with all the vigor of a somewhat interested one year old....

He did manage to get 8 eggs all together between two hunts. He did not get to keep any of the candy (shh, don't tell him there was candy.) He had a great time nonetheless...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Nicholas got to travel to Cincinnati for the weekend. We decided it was time for a little trip of exploration. He even got to try out MegaBus. As a review from Nicholas, it was two eyelids closed there and back. You just can't beat such a trip.

See you all later... :)