Monday, June 22, 2009

Big Red Gooey Fish

I'm not sure what we started here yet. Nicholas has been asking like crazy to take his new fishing rod out after Mickey Mouse caught the Big Red Gooey Fish. This weekend we were off to the lake after digging up some worms in the garden. Wouldn't you know it, the kid caught a fish! Here he is showing his prize:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Climb, climb, climb

What do you do when your two year old says that he wants to climb this...

You just have to let him even know you know what that means. And yes, those little specs you see in the picture are people. It's hard to capture, but that is a really big dune :). With a crazy combination of crawling and climbing he made it all by himself. Even we have to admit shock here....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Picking Mulberries

Ok, we have entered dangerous territory here. Nicholas has discovered that we have big trees in our yard with yummy things to eat. Now we just have to keep him from trying to eat anything else. First time out some of the mulberries even made it into the bowl. The second picking most went to the mouth....

Look What I Did!

Well, we planned to wait until he was 3 for this, but Nicholas asked... He successfully completed his first Home Depot project. That kid can really swing a hammer. Look out!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lemonade Stand

For only one coin you can get some yummy lemonade poured by a two year old!