Friday, September 18, 2009

Flat Nicholas

Nicholas had homework today. He brought home a person and needed to make it look like himself.

Off to Hobby Lobby we went so he could pick out fabric for the shirt, pants, and shoes. Yes, he picked it all out, who else would choose that combo :)

Back home he put on glue and placed all the hair on he picked out. Glued down his clothes, put on the eyes, and drew a mouth. Somehow he even came up with the idea to hold that train sticker across both hands. All and all, a lot of work for a little boy.

First Day of School!!!!

Ok, this one is a little late. Come on, I have a broken leg here :)

At any rate, the big boy has started school. He travels off to his classroom at the YMCA every Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours. So far, he is having a blast, especially now that they have started gym every class. Here are the big photos from his first day of school....

Heading in for the first day...

Putting the bag in his cubby...

All settled in after telling his Mom she could leave now :)