Friday, May 28, 2010

How to Plant a Garden in 4 Easy Steps

First, you put in the starter plants....

They need plenty of expert watering...

Get those seeds in the ground and mark their locations...

The best step, enjoy....

Rookie Run

Stretching out before the big race...

Full speed ahead...

In the end, what's better then winning a medal and some water on a 90 degree day...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Camping and Boating

Can you tell we've missed the nicer weather? After a rough wet/cold patch here in May, warmer weather came back in spades. So of course we would be remiss if we didn't sneak in some boating and camping down at Monroe Reservoir. Nevermind that spent the whole afternoon at the track before we had this brilliant plan...

Pole Day in Indianapolis

It doesn't get too much more quintesential Indy then sitting on the main stretch with some fried chicken on Pole Day...

Lounging on the delta wing concept car...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Visit from East

Nicholas had a great time when he Grandmom came out to visit. I'm not sure if he is that persuasive or if she is just a sucker, but he even got her to climb on the trampoline...


Ahh, April has come and gone. Not before bringing us some beautiful weather and a lot of outside fun....